Overview of Nevada's Public Workforce System
Nevada's Workforce System
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act became law in 2014. WIOA replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and is intended to serve workers by assisting them in obtaining employment and employers by helping them find qualified employees. Additionally, WIOA is intended to increase the earnings, employment retention and occupational skills attainment of clients reducing welfare dependency, and enhancing the workforce quality, productivity and competitiveness of Nevada. This is accomplished through the Governors Workforce Development Board (GWDB) and local Boards. The GWDB is the policy setting agency for the WIOA in Nevada and is tasked with: Promoting a system of workforce development that responds to the lifelong learning needs of Nevada workers; Advising the Governor and Legislature on workforce development policy, encourage public/private partnerships and facilitate innovation among educators, employers and labor groups; Evaluate program procedures and results to support high standards and continuous improvement of the workforce system.
Local Workforce Investment Boards: WIOA also calls for the establishment of local workforce boards to set policy within local areas. Nevada currently has two local boards, Workforce Connections in the southern part of the state (Clark, Lincoln, Nye and Esmeralda counties) and Nevadaworks in northern Nevada (Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lyon, Mineral, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, and White Pine).
They administer the program in their respective geographic areas where they are responsible for providing both worker and employer services. The program is structured to provide services through three categories, Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth activities. Adult activities prepare adults for entering or re-entering the workforce by increasing their occupational and education skills, resulting in increased employment and earnings and reduced welfare dependency. WIOA provides additional employment and training services to those who need assistance in obtaining and retaining employment.
Dislocated workers are persons who have been laid-off (or informed of future termination) and are unlikely to be able to obtain employment in their current career field. WIOA will assist the dislocated worker re-enter the workforce by increasing their occupational and education skills, resulting in long-term employment opportunities. The intent of the youth program is to enhance the education, occupational and leadership skills of youth, encourage school completion or return to school, improve their long-term employability and assist both in and out of school youth in making a successfully transition from school to work, post-secondary education and training, apprenticeship programs or military service.
All youth must be registered and determined eligible to receive services under the youth funding stream. Each youth must receive an objective assessment, including a review of their academic and occupational skill levels and service needs.
Services are delivered through the America’s Job Centers of Nevada so that a worker or business client can obtain services with one-stop at a full-service center or affiliated location.
You can learn more about the Local Boards by clicking on their links below. Nevadaworks | Workforce Connections To read more about the Federal Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act, visit http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-113publ128/pdf/PLAW-113publ128.pdf Or https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/wioa

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