EmployNV Business Hubs/Solutions
Business Hubs/Solutions
Connect with the EmployNV Business Hubs
Online at EmployNV.gov A chat feature is available to reach a live representative.
Northern Nevada Phone (775) 284-9660 |
Southern Nevada Phone (702) 486-0129 |
EmployNV Business Hub @ Aliante Library 2400 West Deer Springs Way
North Las Vegas, NV 89084
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
EmployNV Business Hub @ Boulder City Chamber of Commerce 100 Nevada Way
Boulder City, NV 89005
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
EmployNV Business Hub @ Green Valley Library 2797 N. Green Valley Pkwy
Henderson, NV 89014
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
EmployNV Business Hub @ Henderson City Hall 240 S. Water Street
1st Floor, Counter 19
Henderson, NV 89015
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
EmployNV Business Hub @ North Las Vegas City Hall 2250 Las Vegas Blvd N
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
EmployNV Business Hub @ Sahara West Library 9600 W. Sahara Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
EmployNV Business Hub @ Vegas Chamber 575 W. Symphony Park Ave Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Phone: 702-486-0129
Map Address
North EmployNV Business Hub 4001 S Virginia Suite 11
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: 775-284-9600
Map Address
Post a Job
Did you know that EmployNV is the largest job listing website in Nevada and has the largest database of individuals seeking employment? The EmployNV Business Hubs can provide screening/referral of candidates, or businesses can receive referrals directly from job seekers by registering with EmployNV.gov. In all cases, your listing is placed into Nevada's largest job listing website.
Post job listings online through EmployNV Jobs, or use the contact information above to post listings by phone.
Connect with Job Seekers
When a business signs up for access to EmployNV.gov, they initially have limited access to search resumes. The approval process usually takes from 1 to 3 business days. Once approved, employers have full access to search posted resumes, including contact information.
Financial Incentives for Businesses
The Silver State Works initiative was designed to help businesses and strengthen Nevada's economy by offering incentives for hiring pre-screened qualified workers. There are three programs Nevada businesses can qualify for with a range of options from on-the-job training to employee retention.
The Work Experience Program allows employers to hire a candidates with no risk. A candidate's eligibility is determined by EmployNV representatives working with the employer. Identifying a candidate's potential fit with a specific job ensures the best chance of success for everyone.
Candidates receive practical, on-the-job training to prepare them for continued full-time employment.
For more information contact the EmployNV Business Hubs:
Northern Nevada (775) 284-9660
Southern Nevada (702) 486-0129
Nevada Labor Market Information
The Research and Analysis Bureau provides a wealth of information related to Nevada’s workforce and economic conditions, serving as Nevada’s primary provider of workforce information. The information and resources available from the bureau are offered free of charge and include data and information on employment, unemployment, wages, projections, and much more.
Recruit and Retain Employees with Disabilities
The Nevada Vocational Rehabilitation Business Services team will meet with you to determine your specific recruitment requirements and refer pre-screened and qualified job candidates matching those requirements. Our assistance to your business includes work readiness & soft skills development, customized on-the-job training strategies, guidance, and technical assistance, and facilitate the evaluation of assistive technology/ADA needs. We provide quality support throughout the recruiting process and comprehensive follow-up services including:
The Nevada Department of Business & Industry has an exhaustive list of resources in their Business Resource Center linked here.

We are working hard to keep Nevadans safe from fraud.
Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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