Displaced Homemakers Program
State of Nevada Displaced Homemakers Program
Serving homemakers forced back into the workforce due to a change in family financial support.
Centers provide the following:
- Career counseling to include assessment of skills, development of employment goals and career planning.
- Courses of instruction to assist the participant in seeking and retaining employment including seeking employment, contacting employers, completing applications, writing resumes, effective interviewing and communication, appropriate employment conduct, work habits, and conflict resolution.
- Regular informational group meetings.
- Education and counseling services relating to health and obtaining payment for health care.
- Services related to financial management.
Referrals to appropriate agencies in the community for the following:
- Addiction, personal counseling, legal assistance, child care and programs of secondary and post-secondary education including programs for career and technical education, English as a second language and improving reading ability.
Program Description
Who is a Nevada Displaced Homemaker?
In today’s society, it is still common for one member of the family to maintain the home while someone else in the family is the primary wage earner. The family financial support may suddenly be lost through divorce, death, job loss or other circumstances. The member of the family who maintained the home becomes a “displaced homemaker”. In that event, an obvious but not so easy choice is for him or her to get the assistance necessary to find work that will make that person self-sufficient. The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation’s Displaced Homemaker program can help.
Nevada, like many other states, created a law that states displaced homemakers should be provided services that would enable them to gain the knowledge, experience, and self-esteem to become employed and self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency means being capable of providing for one’s own needs.
The Displaced Homemaker Program offers a variety of services, including access to education, skills training, resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search assistance. Each client is interviewed to determine his or her needs. A program is then designed to outline the necessary steps to establish a career. There is no charge for services to displaced homemakers. The Displaced Homemaker Program in Nevada is funded by law from divorce fees collected in the state courts.
Displaced Homemaker Centers
Contact the Displaced Homemaker Program at one of the following locations:
HELP of Southern Nevada
1640 E. Flamingo Rd., Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89119 Ph: 702-369-4357
Community Chest Inc.
991 South C Street
Virginia City, NV 89440 Ph: 775-720-0007
Board for Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers
Board meetings are held at least quarterly. If you wish to attend, click on the meeting schedule below, view the agenda for location information.
Meeting Schedule

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NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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