Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
Employment Security Division
Services for Farm Workers
EmployNV Career Hubs offer Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFW) access to a variety of employment services, including:
Utilizing Resource Center tools:
- Computers for resume preparation, writing letters to potential employers, and conducting Internet job searches
- Registering for employment
- Career guidance and counseling
- Job search workshops
- Referral to employment opportunities
- Referral to job training
- Job development
- Access to Vocational Rehabilitation
- Labor Market Information
- Unemployment Insurance assistance
- Assistance to file a complaint
- Information about other community resources
- Employment Service and Employment Related Law Complaint System
- Sistema De Reclamaciones Del Servicio De Empleo y De La Ley De Empleo
For more information, call (775) 684-0315

We are working hard to keep Nevadans safe from fraud.
Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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