WIOA Technical Assistance Guides
WIOA Technical Assistance Guides (TAGs)
Title | TAG Number | Issue Date |
Training Related Employment and ONET Coding of Employment Outcomes | TAG 13-01 | Deactivated 1/2019 |
Nevada Definition of "Family Unit" for WIOA Eligibility | TAG 14-01 | Created 4/15/2014 |
Sector Information Tab | TAG 14-02 | Deactivated 1/2019 |
Impact on MIS Entries on Performance, Compliance and DEV | TAG 15-01 | Created 6/25/2015 |
Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) | TAG 15-02 | Deactivated 7/2022 |
WIOA Overview | TAG 15-03 | Deactivated 3/2025 |
WIOA Title I State-Imposed Required Minimum Training Expenditure Percentage Average of 30% | TAG 20-01 | Created 8/25/2020 |
WIOA Title I State-imposed 20 percent Limitation of Current Total Staffing Levels in OJT Contracts | TAG 20-02 | Created 8/5/2020 |
Proper Documentation of Supplemental Wages | TAG 20-03 | Created 9/17/2020 |
Negotiations and Sanctions Guidance for WIOA Title I | TAG 20-04 | Created 12/23/2020 |
Participant Common Exit Policy for WIOA Title I, Title III, JVSG, NDWG, and TAA | TAG 20-05 | Created 4/15/2021 |
Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) | TAG 22-01 | Created 7/05/2022 |
Purchasing EmployNV Branded Attire with WIOA and other Grant Funds | TAG 25-01 | Created 2/03/2025 |
Governor's Reserve Funding, Subrecipients and Monitoring | TAG 25-02 | Deactivated 3/2025 |

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NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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