ADA Notice
I want to…
For DETR Employees only: file a complaint with agency and state HR with concerns regarding ADA issues at:
Additional Resources: Links to other agencies providing information and/or a process for ADA public accommodation issues:
- Nevada Equal Rights Commission
- Great Basin College
- Nevada State College
- Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC)
- University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV)
- University of Nevada Reno (UNR)
- State of Nevada ADA
DETR ADA Contact:
Aimee Morrill, DETR EEOO
The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Administrative Service Division - Human Resource Office
The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) Human Resources Office coordinates DETR's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) program. The ADA prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, education and other areas of society.
The agency is committed to providing equitable access to information and services for all users including including individuals with disabilities in accordance with ADA and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Levels A & AA and the Web Accessibility Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 for web content.
Constituents with concerns regarding ADA issues related to the department regarding its program services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and other areas can file a grievance (complaint) online by completing our forms under the “I want to…” section of this page. Once the submittal is received, the DETR Equal Employment Opportunity Officer will review, process and forward the complaint (if applicable) to the proper agency program office for review.
DETR Employees
DETR Employees with concerns regarding ADA issues should contact their division’s Human Resource representative or can file a complaint online through the DETR ADA page, or by completing the Nevada Department of Administration, Division of Human Resource Management’s Sexual Harassment or Discrimination Complaint form and forwarding the document to their office.
Additional Resources
If you require more information, please see the links below to additional agencies which provide contact information and/or a process for ADA public accommodation issues:

We are working hard to keep Nevadans safe from fraud.
Please review fraud information to avoid accidental fraud.
NV Relay 711 or 800-326-6868
An equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services available on request by individuals with disabilities

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